
Baschetbalistul Andre Drummond a lăsat un bacşiş de o mie de dolari

Baschetbalist al echipei Cleveland Cavaliers, Andre Drummond a lăsat un bacşiş de o mie de dolari la un restaurant din Florida.

Nota de plată a fost de 160,25 de dolari, relatează portalul Yahoo! Finance.

“Nu ştiam cine e clientul care a lăsat asemenea bacşiş până când nu am văzut datele de pe cartea de credit”, a mărturisit chelneriţa Kassandra Díaz.

“Tremuram şi am plâns de fericire. Este incredibil că, în aceste vremuri nesigure, sunt oameni care dau dovadă de bunătate”, a scris tânăra pe Instagram.


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Today, started off as slow day at work getting there for my double shift. The past week, overall, has been pretty slow of course due to COVID. Restaurants and staff have been struggling, as you can imagine. Little did I know that today I would get a tip no server would guess that they would ever receive when they open that check book. Unknowingly, I was seated and served a table with @andredrummondd . I had no idea who he was, and hadn’t seen him here before but we @che.delray always welcome our new customers. When I was given the checkbook, I went to put in the tip & information to close the table and I couldn’t believe it. From a $160 check, the tip read $1,000. I was shaking and had tears of happiness after what he left me. I had no idea how to react, I didn’t want to draw attention but at the same time I couldn’t describe the the amount of appreciation I had/ have. It’s so amazing to see people displaying acts of kindness in these uncertain times. This is a story I will never forget, thank you again so much @andredrummondd !! #Blessed

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Săptămâna trecută, Chad Johnson, un fost star al NFL, a lăsat un bacşiş de o mie de dolari la o notă de plată de 37 de dolari.